Thursday, January 1, 2015

Christmas Night in Bled, Slovenia

Finally, we made it to Bled, Slovenia! We are trying to see as much as possible in a short amount of time, and at the same time RELAX! I think we pick the right place. Like Innsbruck, when we arrived to Bled on Christmas Day it was late in the evening.

Bled, Slovenia at night

Evening Ice Skating in the City Center 
After a long day of sightseeing and traveling, it was time for a good meal and a great bottle of wine. At the recommendation of our host, we had the most amazing meal at one of the cutest and quaint restaurants in Bled, Ostarija Peglez'n.

The outside of Ostarija Peglez'n

Inside of Ostarija Peglez'n
Our favorite Slovenian Wine

I don't like sharing photos of food, but I do love sharing photos of great bottles of wines.

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